Vasavappapuram is a tiny village in Tuticorin district of Tamilnadu which is about 18 Km from Tirunelveli junction. The road leading to the temple diverting from the highway is not a laid one but more like a path used by bullock carts etc. Four wheelers had to plough through the path to reach the temple. The temple is not frequently visited by the devotees and more so, is located in a place isolated from the habitat and hence, proper developmental work to reach the temple is not in the prime agenda of the authorities.
As per details given by the Archaka (Pandit) and also through other sources, and the nearby locals, it is given to understand that this place was once a small village some hundreds of years back with thin populated village farmers. These farmers were doing cultivation in the lands and making their livelihood and they worshipped this Sri Varadaraja Perumal.
The perennial river Tambraparni flows through Tirunelveli and Tuticorin districts and on the banks of the river on both sides one can see vast stretch of lush green paddy fields and thick green vegetation. Once, some hundreds of years back cultivation was one of the prime sources of income for many in the villages around these districts. The village farmers, in addition to cultivation, grow cattle to supplement their income and to cater to their daily needs. They lead a calm, quite and self contended life. Further in search of divine peace and spiritual need, they constructed temples for different Gods as per their wish to seek blessings and boon to overcome miseries, struggles in life etc. When all such needs are at their reach, their mind diverted to attain more earthly comforts to add more charm and happiness to their life. Aiming these material pleasures, they displaced to other big cities, desserting the villages to perish or to take its own destruction. One such village is this Vasavappapuram. Though the village is not there now, yet, one can find some of the reminiscent facts of being a village was in existence once.
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கிராமத்தின் தற்போதைய நிலை |
தனித்து விடப்பட்ட ஒரு கல்வெட்டு சான்று
The villagers and the village might have gone but, the spiritual fervour is still in existence which can be seen by the presence of Lord Varadaraja Perumal temple who bestows His blessings and boon to His devotees whoever approaches Him. All these show that spiritualism can never be destroyed.
கோயிலின் தோற்றம்
கருடன் சன்னதி
சன்னதிக்கு முன்னால் உள்ள மண்டபம்
The main deity in this temple is Sri Varadaraja Perummal.
Some of the old timer local villagers who are alive and migrated from here while narrating their good time in Vasavappapuram, their eyes are gleaming and droven to their old thoughts. According to details available about this temple, the temple dates back to the 13th century, built by one ruler Seemara Seevallaban of A.D. 835-852. Later in A.D. 1216, this temple was renovated by King Sundara Pandian. Subsequently, when the Nayakkars ruled the place, they further developed the temple.
Now, the Pandit who do the pooja for the deity lives in the nearby town. We made all arrangements with him in advance for performing the pooja. He accordingly, readied himself for the task and really, did a commendable job. He has got in him a very good taste and talent to make appeasing alankar to the deity with various beautiful flowers and other paraphernalia. His spiritual devotion is very much praiseworthy. When the pooja was over, to those who present there were given prasadams and sumptuous food.
At the back of the temple, a small water channel is flowing catering to the cultivation in the fields of the adjoining villages. The bridge connects the path and the main road.
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கோயிலின் பின்னே வாய்க்கால் பாலம் |
There are a couple of nearby temples dedicated to village protecting god (கிராம காவல் தெய்வம் ). Villagers from nearby worship this Amman deity and do pooja regularly. In the tamil month of Aadi (ஆடி மாதம்) special poojas are performed to the deity and lot of villagers throng the temple to offer their prayers during the festival times.
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கிராம தேவதையின் கோயில் |
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கண்களுக்கு விருந்து கொடுத்த ஒரு ரம்மியக் காட்சி |
எல்லாம் இனிதே நடைபெற ஸ்ரீ வரதராஜப் பெருமாளை வணங்கி விடை பெற்றோம்.
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வணக்கம் |
A good presentation