Though we have visited many temples in Kanchipuram, a temple where we have not stepped into so far, unheard or unknown, made us very surprised when we visited Sri Sonna Vannam Seitha Perumal - Yadhodhgari temple, Thiruveghka. This temple is neither far away from Kanchi town nor located in a tricky place very difficult to reach or something else. It is very much located in the main heartland of small Kanchi Town, very nearer to Sri Varadharaja Perumal temple on the Chennai-Tambaram - Kanchipuram State main road, and one can easily see the main gopuram from the road. A small side road of about 30 meters from main road leads to the entrance of the temple.
This is one of the 108 Divya Desam temples of Sri Maha Vishnu and is the 51st in the order and is glorified in the Naalayira Divya Prabhandam of Tamil Alwar saints from the 6th - 9th centuries CE. This temple is considered to be one of three oldest Vishnu temples in Kanchipuram, other two being Sri Ulagalantha Perumal temple and Pandava Thoothar Perumal temple. Sri Maha Vishnu is giving darshan in bhujanga sayana posture to His bakthas in this temple. Believed to have been built by Pallavas of late 8th century with later contributions from medivial Cholas and Vijayanagara Samraj Kings.
A three tiered Rajagopuam is at the entrance of the temple. The roof of the sanctum is called Vedasara Vimana and it has five kalasams and stucco images of various legend. The presiding deity Bhujanga Sayana Yadhoththagari Perumal is in recumbent on his right hand, a rare one, whereas Palligonda Perumal (sayana posture) deities are lying in left to right and His consort is Komalavalli Naachiyaar Thaayar.
Main Tower view from inside |
Tower above the sanctum (Moolavar) |
There is a mention about this temple in Perumpaanatrupadai written by Saint Patanjali, also mentioned in Silappathikaram and Tolkappiyam. Poigai Alwar, Peyalwar, Thirumangai Alwar and Thirumalisai Alwar have sung in praise of Yadhothgari Perumal in different forms.
Temple Lotus tank where Poigai Alwar originated |
Poigai Alwar, a poet saint and one of the first three Alwars was believed to have been born in this temple lotus tank. Poigai Alwar birthday during the tamil month Aipassi Thiruvonam star is one of the major festivals celeberated in this temple. The temple legendary tale narrates like this -
Once, Goddesses Saraswati and Lakshmi was in an argument on who was superior among themselves. They approached Indra, the king of celestial deities and asked him who is superior. Indira judged Lakshmi as superior. Not satisfied with Indra's opinion Saraswati went to Brahmma who also chose Lakshmi, the supeiror. Saraswati was very much upset, unhappy with the two decisions and left Brahmma to stay away from him. But, Brahmma was doing a severe penance praying to Vishnu fo His darshan and performing an Ashvamedha Yaga. On seeing this, Saraswati still got very angry and wanted to disrupt His penance and the yaga as Brahmma was performing the yaga not in her own place and so much so doing all these without his consort - Saraswati. The Asuras were also not happy with this yaga as due respect was not given to them. They went to Saraswati and requested her to stop the yaga. Saraswati took the form of a river called Vegavathi, (later years the name became Vegavanai and then Vekkanai and finally called as Vekghka & the place was called Thiruveghka) and flew down through the place where yaga was going on. Terrified at the flow of the river, those in the yagasala surrendered to Brahmma. Having come to know about this by virtue of his mind's eye, he medidated upon Vishnu. Vishnu wanted to pacify Saraswati and blocked her way in the form a dam lying by himself with serpent Adhisesha as his bed in the reclined posture with His hand touching the land (Bhujanga Sayana) to stop the river flow. Saraswati realised her mistake and turned her course of flow and mixed with sea. She became pacified and accepted her defeat. She joined the yaga. The dam formed by Lord Vishnu is called "Yadokthakari Perumal".
Another related legendary tale is -
Sage Bhargava had a son through Kanakangi, a dancer in the Indralok. The still born boy had some problem and not fully developed in his birth. Kanakangi left her under developed born son unattended. It is believed that boy was a devine child and by the grace of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi, he became alright. A passer-by childless couple saw the baby and took him, named him as Sivavakkiyar and started rearing him. The boy reached adulthood and became a staunch devotee of Vaishnavism and a Pey Alwar disciple. Sivavakkiyar became as Thirumalisai Alwar later. Thirumilasai Alwar had deciple by name Kanikkannan. He had an old lady serving him. Thirumalisai Alwar through his devine power and by the grace of bhujanga sayana perumal made the old lady to became a young beautiful lady. The Pallaba king who was ruling the region got attracted by the beautiful lady and married her. The king became old but the beautiful lady remained as young. The king came to know the secret of the young lady to be as young as ever. As he also wanted to be young, he called Kanikannan and requested him to bring Thirumilasai Alwar to the place and to sing in praise of him. Kanikannan replied that Thirumilasai Alwar sings only in front of the Perumal and will not do so in front of the king. The King became very angry and ordered Kanikannan and Thirumilsai Alwar to leave the country at once. Kanikannan explained everything to Thirumalisai Alwar and they readied themselves to leave Kanchipuram. Thirumalisai Alwar prayed to Bhujanga Sayana Perumal and requested Him to leave the place as his disciples are leaving. Lord also prepared to leave the place with his two devotees by folding his Adhisesha bed. The King came to know of their leaving the region and realised his sin, approached them and begged them to return back to Kanchipuram. The Lord and the two disciples returned back. Since the Perumal obliged to his devotees wishes, He was called as "Sonna Vannam Seitha Perumal".
Stala Purana in Tamil displayed inside the Temple |
A beautiful verse in Tamil from Thirumalisai Alwar song before leaving the place, praying Vishnu also to leave Kanchi and come with them, as below:
கணிகண்ணன் போகின்றான் காமருபூங்கச்சி
- மணிவண்ணா நீ கிடக்கவேண்டா - துணிவுடைய
செந்நாப்புலவனும் போகின்றேன் நீயுமுன்றன்
- பைந்நாகப்பாய்சுருட்டிக்கொள்.
- Another beautiful verse in Tamil from Kanikannan song before leaving the place, praying Vishnu also to come back with them to Kanchi as below:
கணிகண்ணன் போக்கொழிந்தான் காமருபூங்கச்சி
- மணிவண்ணா நீ கிடக்கவேண்டும் - துணிவுடைய
செந்நாப்புலவனும் போக்கொழிந்தேன் நீயுமுன்றன்
- பைந்நாகப் பாய்படுத்துக்கொள்.
- As per their request Perumal also came back to Kanchi temple and thus He was called as Sonna Vannam Seitha Perumal which means Perumal did what his devotees wanted.
It is believed that the Bhujanga Sayana Perumal has changed his head to listen to the grievances of the devotees who come and prayed to Him. Their prayers will be fulfilled if you worship this temple Perumal and Thaayar.
வணக்கம் |